Desktop App

Employee Database App


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[GUI] Employee Database App Using Python

This is a GUI Employee Database Application using Python and SQLite having basic functionalities:

  1. create
  2. modify
  3. delete individuals
  4. delete all
  5. import, and export CSV formatted data

Technologies used:

  1. Python (Tkinter, Easygui)
  2. SQlite


pip install -r requirements.txt in cmd / terminal(pip3) You need to install sqlite browser on your system and create a table using the query:

CREATE TABLE "employee_database" ( "id" INTEGER, "employeeid" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE, "name" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE, "email" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE, "number" INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE, "branch" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "salary" INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY("id") );


1st Start


Add Employee

image image

Modify Employee Details

image image

Selective Delete


Import Data from csv

image image

Export Data in csv

image image

Delete All

image image